Re Store

FMF: Store


Front of our store

I work in a store.

In the UK, I’d say I work in a shop.

It is a special store, because it is a charity shop – a second-hand shop – or a thrift-store.

The store belongs to our church and is currently called Second Chance.

It is a great name that speaks for itself – as all of the things donated to us are given a second chance to be owned, reused and loved.

We receive the donations and we lovingly rescue, repair, refresh, restore, revalue and repurpose them; then they are bought – repossessed, rehoused, reused and recycled.

We may be changing the name of the store to ‘Re Store’.

Our church has changed its name too – we have merged two existing church congregations and have come together – renamed as ‘Re Church’.

Like the shop, each of us has been given a second chance – we have been reborn, rescued, redeemed, renewed, repaired, restored, repurposed, resurrected.

The old has become new.

I love these Re words.

I am most grateful and excited that I have been redeemed, rescued and am being constantly renewed, repaired, restored and repurposed.

What about you?

Which Re word is most exciting to you?