Someday starts today

FMF: Someday starts today


I love how these prompt words make me think and teach me something both in Holy Spirit reflections, but also in then reading the reflections of others in the group.

Now is a good time to honour and thank Kate for facilitating this FMF group and to thank all those who participate and share in it.

Thank you all.

Someday’ – my first thought was a song and I began singing ‘Someday I’ll fly away…’ – I got distracted with someday and rainbow songs too, so wanted to check the lyrics, only to realise they ran, ‘Oneday I’ll fly away…’

So I began to reflect on Someday/oneday – and whether there was any distinction between the two.

I’m still not sure that there is, except that one-day sounds vaguely more optimistic than ‘someday’.

I began to think about all of the one-day/someday statements I have made myself throughout my life – dreams and aspirations that I didn’t believe to be within reach and so were relegated to the future – to one-day I’ll travel to India; one-day I’ll write a book; one-day I’ll be able to do that thing… ,

or even to the conditional – someday, if I ever have the money, time, courage, opportunity etc.….

These one-days and someday s, I realised were usually aspirational, wishful, positive hopes and dreams.

In faith terms the one-day/someday lean back onto the promises of God throughout history and even to personal promises from God to me. Often these promises refer to future blessings –

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Living in a fallen world and dealing with our own sin and the sin and pain around us, very often the one-day looked forward to is a place of no suffering, no pain, no evil, no fear –

– of a paradise; of seeing not in a glass dimly, but seeing face-to-face…

– of knowing, even as I am fully known by my Heavenly Father.

But today I was reminded of John 17:2- 5

You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him. And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.

And I had the revelation that one-day/someday is today!

We are born anew for a relationship with God – the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit.

This is eternal life.

Not only in a heavenly future, but in a heavenly now – for we are children of God, heirs with Christ, filled with the power and Spirit of God Himself.

Someday starts today!!


14:50 – sorry.

Every Friday, I join an online Christian writing community, Five Minute Friday. We are given a one-word prompt and write – unscripted, unedited, pure free-write – for 5 minutes. The prompt this week is

I do read through my script afterwards to correct my mistakes; to check scripture references and to find an appropriate image to illustrate the topic.

To read other FMF posts on this subject click below

Join the Five Minute Friday link-up and read other posts here

a spring meadow with mature tree arched by a rainbow

Thanksgiving for answered prayer in March and April 2024.

Thanksgiving for March and April.

I come back to my God and Father to give Him special thanks publicly, for all of the prayers that I have seen answers to over the last 2 months.

As always, I also give Him thanks for the so-much-more that I have received in life, even without consciously praying and for all the blessings I have received and not even acknowledged.

For answered prayer in March:

For inspiring my preparations for a birthday party – what to bake and who to invite.

For a wonderful party and 15 beautiful guests and all their love, greetings and gifts.

For recent words of encouragement from S, Ch, E, and C.

For your inspiration to do the collage of Open Doors in Sunday School for the last 2 weeks and that many children were involved in it and blessed by it.

For keeping AV safe and restoring her to her family.

For the privilege of being able to bless a family.

For an afternoon out with R and L.

For an afternoon with W and the opportunity for blessed conversation.

That R’s surgery was successful and he’s home again.

For instructing me to leave that money out and showing me that I had heard You.

For the privilege of leading this group in the EH school and for all You did in all of us this weekend – especially with J and L.

That C says wants to be a Christian and opportunity to talk about it. ❤

For ministering more to Suzie.

That S’s wallet was found, handed in and restored to him.

For healing S’s tooth infection and giving him the help he needed.

For teaching me that You hear and answer our prayers – though not always in the way we expect!

For the blessed fellowship evening with EH leaders.

For blessing C as a man of truth.

For allowing me opportunities to recognise and repent.

For our growing Sunday School and a great Easter lesson You gave me.

For opportunities to connect with E, D, W, R and E this month.

For a new haircut that I like!

For helping to sort a new passport and then inspiring me to book a trip to Romania.

For helping me to confirm another trip with S later in the year.

For some lovely times at home and out and about with the children.

For inspiring me and giving me courage to speak out at the Good Friday service.

For a wonderful Easter Triduum shared with S and a blessed family celebration of the Risen Lord.

For all You did on the cross for us and for the resurrection life You give to us.

For answered prayer in April:

For the children’s sleepover being more restful.

For a 4th amazing EH weekend and how You ministered so perfectly to each one of us.

For a poem a day inspiration – both to do it and to persevere.

For a successful first round of floor tiles and then for being able to borrow a grinder and to clean all the remaining tiles and then to lay and grout them all while S was away.

For the week with S in London and for all the work we accomplished there together and that there is now light at the end of this tunnel.

That I got the grass cut and house prepared before all the guests came.

For a special weekend with D, R, R, D & C, C and E all at mine and for love and fun.

That I was able to see a recording of J’s funeral, which was blessed and that he is finally at rest, in full health and with You in paradise.

That the bike finally got serviced and fixed.

For all the lessons You teach me – especially the one that the gospel is so simple – that You do not count our sins against us. Make your peace with God! Romans 5 and 2 Corinthians 5:16ff.*1

For showing me my judgments to repent of and break and releasing freedom into my friendships.

For 2 lovely walk & talk afternoons – with C and with M.

For precious birthday times with E, C and C and a brief connection with S.

For those who helped me with the checking in and organising the trip.

For D kindly driving me to the station at 4:45am.

For a safe trip to Romania and for a glorious week of sunshine.

For success with the smart-phone to do what I needed it for.

For all the new people I met in the Mission and the old ones I reconnected with and for all of the great work they do with You.

For S and her hospitality, planning and friendship.

For being able to be there for the children’s Easter programs in the 3 areas – for all the families and the seeds of love being sown there.

For the opportunity to intercede with L for D.

For all You taught me through the NaPoWriMo challenge.

*2 Corinthians 5:16

16 So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Some & Almost

FMF: Some

I was travelling last week and trying to complete the NaPoWriMo challenge for April, but when I saw last week’s FMF prompt-word – Almost, the same idea came to mind as came to me seeing the FMF prompt-word – Some.

And so I will attempt to combine them today.


‘There were some who doubted’.*

With us humans, we operate in some and almost.

We give some of our heart.

We almost believe, but there is a part of our hearts that is unbelieving.

We can say with that father who came to Jesus – ‘I believe, help me in my unbelief.*’

But God.

With God there is no almost, no some. God is All and completely and wholly for us.

God wants that ALL shall be saved, not just some.

Jesus healed ALL who came to Him. He didn’t turn any away who came to Him.

He doesn’t turn any away who come to Him now.

I am so grateful that Father God wants to save, forgive, heal and restore completely and Every and All who come to Him with sincere hearts.

I am not so generous, but I desire to be.

I love some, maybe even most, but I struggle with the all.

I give some, almost… but not all of my resources in love.

God gave All of Himself on the cross – not almost or some, but His whole self, completely, freely, for All of my sins, not just some, not just the ‘more forgivable’ sins, but for all.

He gave His ALL.


It is finished.

His whole body was broken, that ALL of mine, and your, brokenness of body, mind, heart and spirit might be made completely whole.

He deserves my All.

  • Matthew 28:17
  • 2: Mark 9:24

Every Friday, I join an online Christian writing community, Five Minute Friday. We are given a one-word prompt and write – unscripted, unedited, pure free-write – for 5 minutes. The prompt this week is SOME.

I do read through my script afterwards to correct my mistakes; to check scripture references and to find an appropriate image to illustrate the topic.

To read other FMF posts on this subject click below:

Join the link-up and read other posts here

Day 30- Maid Marian

Napowrimo prompt: to write a poem where the speaker identifies with, or compares to, a character from a myth or legend.

Maid Marian

Nottingham is my home city,

So it really would be a pity,

Not to choose Robin Hood

And from what’s understood,

To compose a fantasy ditty.

Maid Marian I would be,

Playing in the old oak tree;

He’d shoot from his bow

and I’d have a go;

But no one would dare shoot at me.

From the rich, money we’d steal,

Then we’d give all the hungry a meal;

With the poor we would share

and as outlaws we’d dare

Even if threatened with jail.

That’s all for now folks!!!

Day 27 – American sonnet

Beauty beholden

What beauty has my heart beholden today?

Contoured horizons of fir rich hills,

Baby-green flora in budding Spring growth

and the giggles of families out in sun-kissed April.

The beauty of frescos on medieval church walls,

The fragrance of hawthorn and freshly mown grass,

The joy of reunion in the eyes of an old friend

and the panoramic view of an orange sun sinking through a peach-melba sky.

The beauty of meeting a stranger’s selfless heart

and the wonder of understanding when trust fills its part.

And what beauty beheld my eyes at the close of this glorious day?

A platter of tasty delicacies to welcome this hungry traveler.

The view

DAY 26 – alliteration?

Up with an early alarm

at unearthly O’clock

anxious about arriving

a l’heure for the Express.

The coach comes quick enough

comforting the crowd

Can I find a cosy corner

to catch a nap if it’s allowed.

The airport’s fully buzzing,

as I’m checking in with Wizz

everywhere is busy

and bustling with kids.

The flight feels familiar

I’ve flown this way before

feet finally on foreign soil

to find my friend at the door.

Day 25 – Questions!!

Day 25

Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem based on the “Proust Questionnaire,” a set of questions drawn from Victorian-era parlor games, and adapted by modern interviewers. You could choose to answer the whole questionnaire, and then write a poem based on your answers, answer just a few, or just write a poem that’s based on the questions.

I’m cheating today, as I have no time to stop and be creative, but I recall a poem I wrote 9 years ago, in which the me of that time answers a lot of those questions.

The poem is very raw and honest.

I’m happy to say that much of this is now truly healed.


Physical pain of bitter, constant cold, hunger,

slaps, canes and beatings

Fear, terror of these – fear of annihilation, fear of pain.

Fear of death, knives and guns




a Russian roulette..

Fear of emotional pain, emotional torture

Cos it’s all my fault.

I am bad, wrong, a burden

I owe them,

I must repay and make it better

But I cannot –

I’m not good enough, big enough, strong enough or clever enough.

Lonely, empty, lost and afraid,

wandering, day-dreaming, alone.

Looking for comfort, for friendship, for warmth, safety, acceptance…

I need to escape, to hide, to somehow survive and get away –

but where to?

I focus on the beauty around me

Beauty of amazing, glorious mystery

Creation – so delicate, vulnerable, persistent and powerful –

A gift into my emptiness.

I love the world and all of creation.

I want to love and to serve

I seek to rescue those in pain

to come alongside, help and hold them.

I am blessed with friends, family and God –

without them I would be long since destroyed!

But I am still so desperately lonely, cold, empty, small and afraid.

I escaped the physical pain,

but the bruises and scars remain

Tender, whilst the taste and strength of fear still paralyse.

Daily I hear the echo of lies and labels

How long will I let them define who I am and who I can be?

Busyness fills some of the emptiness –

work, relationships, learning, doing

doing, doing…

Big Dawn can do some of this, she can wear this mask for a while,

As long as she hides and does as she’s told.

Being hurts, so I kill the pain.

A bottle or two of Shiraz, a pint or 10 of ale –

it lessens the crippling fear as darkness falls,

it drowns the mocking voices,

dulls the heart pain,

chases the memories,

rebukes those stupid, dangerous tears

and lets me dance and live…

Or does it?

Was it me I was trying to kill?

Kill the ‘good for nothing’ Dawn?

They can’t blame me if I’m dead.

They can’t hurt me if I’m gone,

gone to where every tear is wiped away and pain is no more.

The anaesthetic has worn off now and I feel it all…


No wine to ease the pain of feeling,

no husband to distract and hold my body,

no work to busy my mind…

But I am holding to the promise:

‘plans to prosper you, to give you hope and a future’*

I have support in place,

I have all I need –

now it is time to do the work!

I will employ Ms Haynes to help my little girl –

she will guide, hold and encourage both little D and mummy D

She can care for us and keep us safe

She can put her knowledge and experience to good use

She will draw on Wisdom, Truth and common sense..

Jesus, You were so sad as to death,

but You did the work.

You know how I feel –

And you love me despite my fear and mess.

I invite You again to enter the space I have made for you

to fill my emptiness

I ask You to heal my brokenness and pain

to give me ‘beauty for ashes;

joy instead of mourning;

praise instead of heaviness’ *

and to exchange the fear for the miraculous power of Your LOVE.

I choose to let go of fear, of the past, of darkness

I lay hold of forgiveness, healing and life

I welcome Grace and Mercy

and I choose to share them wherever you take me..

6 weeks without alcohol at age 50. (12/04/2015) * Jer. 29:11; Isaiah 61:3

split personality image by rusty mermaid

Day 24 – ‘You are old’

Day 24 – ‘You are old’

NaPoWriMo prompt: Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem that begins with a line from another poem (not necessarily the first one), but then goes elsewhere with it. This will work best if you just start with a line of poetry you remember, but without looking up the whole original poem.

My time is short and rushed and so is this poetic response.

It is the first poem that came into my head, that I always loved – I hope you can recognise the original from the rhythm.

You are old, Nana D’, young Caleb mused,

So why are you playing with toys?

It’s alright for us, as we are excused,

But that Lego is meant for us boys!’

When I was small’, I simply replied to the lad,

Lego didn’t exist.

So I played in the trees, which was all that I had;

now the Lego I just can’t resist!’