Unequal exchange

Midway through February, I wrote a post about “Answered Prayer”, because, in the space of less than 24 hours, I had heard reports back of 3 instances where exactly what I had been praying for and visualising had happened to those 3 individuals.

Naturally this was a great encouragement for me to keep praying in such a visual, specific and intentional way, for whatever I was asked to, or felt called to, pray for.

I recalled Jesus cleansing the ten lepers and only one came back to find and thank Jesus. Jesus asked where the others were and declared that this man’s faith had made him “whole”.

I thought of the importance of thanksgiving and of how my focus is often on the prayer requests and needs, but not so much on even noticing when prayers are answered, and somehow taking it for granted when all is well again.

I knew my praying and thanksgiving needed to be equally focused and intentional.

I decided to start keeping a special book in which I only record answered prayer – a “Miracles” journal.

I wrote down those prayers I recognised as being answered during February, and gave thanks for all those answered prayers that I cannot see myself, because they are ongoing, or being worked on in a different realm.

I have done the same for March.

As an ‘aide-memoire’ of names and needs whilst praying, I write down separately all the things I am praying for specifically, but also to prompt me to ask, later in the week, how that person or situation is progressing – then my prayer either continues, changes specific focus, or is written into the “miracles” book and becomes praise for a testimony of the divine intervention of an all-powerful God.

I want to now thank and praise God publicly for all of the prayers answered during March, but first I want to say that when God “answers” prayers, He does not always answer ‘my prayers’ in the way that I think they need to be answered.

Sometimes God says “NO” to my specific request, because God sees the bigger picture and He knows that what I am asking for is not the best way for that person or situation.

Sometimes God says “WAIT”.

During March I want to thank God specifically for:

CJ’s lung X-rays showing they are clear of cancer

R’s 16 days sober and financial progress

C’s washing machine

J, C and E’s negative covid-test results

My 6 years sober and those blessed by reading the story

J’s work commendations and acceptance to do PHD

S’s decisions made and courage to act

J’s recognition of need for healing

R and W both pouring out their hearts full of painful memories and burdens

Canon Tom winning the legal battle declaring ban on church ‘unlawful’

G’s physical progress and healing

Inspiration and great help with personal book writing and favour with endorsements

I also thank God for 3 answers that were not what I asked for:

For the 2 sweet spirits He took home to be with himself in glory

For the other challenge now to be faced – but knowing it is not to be fought with human strength.

And I thank God that He continues to hear us when we cry out to him and He hears all our prayers, petitions and requests.

He is pleased when we entrust our burdens to Him, believing that He loves and cares for us.

And He loves it when we return to give Him thanks and remember His goodness and favour.

The thing I most want to thank God for this month then, is the knowledge that when I place the needs of individuals, peoples and situations into the hands of Him who created the earth and everything in it, I entrust it all into His powerful, safe, capable and gentle hands.

And God, in His mind-blowing love, not only takes these cares, concerns, fears and burdens upon Himself, but He exchanges them for His perfect PEACE!

What an unequal exchange!

I give Him my burdens and He exchanges it for His peace!

All I can give God in return is my THANK YOUs and to loudly declare my love for Him.

My favourite verse these past few months has been:

Do not be anxious about anything,

but in EVERY situation, by prayer and petition,


present your requests to God.

And the PEACE of GOD, which transcends all understanding,

will GUARD your HEARTand MIND in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7

Always remember to give thanks to God, because He is ALWAYS GOOD.

Freedom of Speech?

The sun still shines even when you can’t it.

There are only a few subjects in life that get me a little hot-under-the-collar and I’m grappling with one of these today.

A couple of issues have come to my attention nationally, as well as internationally, that reflect one of these subjects; and the argument I am grappling with has gone around several rabbit warrens this morning and each time it has comes out in a different shape. So I will put it to paper and see what happens.

The issue is of human rights, namely the right to freedom of thought/speech/religion.

I consider freedom of speech a basic fundamental freedom and human right.

Most people, Constitutions, jurisdictions and Courts of Human rights in the world would, in theory, agree.

Societies need laws to protect people from danger and harm and they need consequences to uphold or enforce those laws.

These laws need to equally protect all persons, regardless of gender, class, nationality, religious beliefs, age, education, wealth, status, or any other classification or potential difference.

Freedom of speech, thought and freedom of belief/religion has to apply to all persons in a society, in accordance with common-sense understanding of legal human rights.

But if what I believe, think, read and say is restricted and controlled, what is the nature of the society that results from that? And who is the authority that decides what is acceptable truth or wisdom that the rest of us must all adhere to? The logical progression of such control is a dictatorship and lack of liberty, lack of creativity, expression or growth, amongst many other unbearable consequences.

That said, we do not need to pull all meaning and common sense out of this basic tenet of freedom of speech.

Do I believe that any person should be allowed to say whatever they want, whenever, wherever and to whom they personally desire? Should I be allowed to speak hate, lies and incite hatred or violence?

– Of course not. And there are laws protecting all people from such violations.

Do I believe that all things are true and there is no absolute truth and any interpretation is equal?

– No, but I believe that all persons grapple with interpretation of the truth, and their opinion of it, and that human-beings, regardless of their own opinions, are called to prioritise tolerance, love, peace and a commitment to grow in understanding and integrity.

It is my belief that God made us in His image and gave us free-will; and that “the truth will set you free”.

The sun still shines even when you can’t it.

The truth remains true whether it is believed or not.

With most issues in life, truth is complex and based on a subjective interpretation of life.

What is true to me, may not be your truth and vise-versa.

The important thing is that we learn to listen to one another’s truth, without criticism and without condemnation; that we seek understanding, peace, dialogue and to desire good will and blessings upon every human being, no matter how their views differ from mine.

We do not have to agree with each other, but we need to listen and be honest and tolerate and accept one another as human beings, all beloved children of God.

If you would like to read the petitionary letter to the UK Prime Minister and the issues that ADF are advocating, please check out the link below and see the video highlighting Julia’s experience in Nottingham University.

6 Years Sober

What do you think of when somebody mentions “an alcoholic”?

Do you have a set of criteria, or a description? – maybe that they drink vodka for breakfast and hide all day behind drawn curtains dysfunctionally; or maybe you imagine flamboyant ‘drama queens’, who lie and manipulate; or maybe you picture the lonely, ‘down-and-out’ with a brown paper bag hiding the cheapest tipple; or a sorry soul, stooped so low as to be stealing and downing the ‘meths’?

That’s what I thought too. I had these images.

I didn’t imagine I was an alcoholic! I could stop if I wanted to.

I had a family and a professional full-time job.

I was a Christian!

I just liked the wine of an evening… Every evening maybe, but… I had a past I wanted to forget and life was hectic and stressful…

… and a glass of wine was ‘me-time’ – time to chill-out, relax and unwind!

In my earliest memories my dad was mad drunk sometimes, mad drunk! Other than that, there was sherry at Christmas… and on seaside holidays, Granddad would always let us sip his ale.

Then at 15, my big sister worked in a pub, so I’d go in after my Saturday job and have a bottle of Pilsner, or a vodka and bitter lemon…

At 17, I left home, and soon enough, I’d be partying, getting drunk and ‘having fun’.

In UK culture, ‘a good night-out’ meant getting as drunk as you could, as quick as you could.

Pubs were crowded with rowdy folk buying round after round before last orders…

I worked in the pubs and drank in them.

In time, I became more ‘refined’ and a bit of a wine snob (as long as it was on offer) and the evening glass, or four, of wine became an entrenched habit.

I stopped for Lent most years, but that was it.

I dreaded Ash Wednesday!

Then one year, I didn’t give up for Lent. I didn’t give up for anything – I didn’t want to!

Oh, I made deals and promises with myself, strategies for ‘dry-days’ and other good intentions, but I failed over and over and the self esteem plummeted along with every bottle. I couldn’t do it!

Most people had no idea of my struggle; some thought I perhaps drank too much sometimes, but most encouraged me to not worry about it and have a drink! They thought I could ‘pull-myself-together’.

But most of them could drink if and when, or have one and no more – they could choose.

That was the difference – I didn’t seem to have the choice, or any control!

I wonder if now you think – “Of course you could choose! You were just weak-willed. Nobody was forcing you! You could control it if you wanted to!”

It took me a very long time to accept that I had no control after the first glass, and that I really needed to just stop drinking alcohol altogether.

And then it took still another long time to actually have the courage to do it!

But I prepared myself, set the date and stopped.

That date was 9th March 2015. This week I celebrated 6 years sober!

When I first stopped I had to go to bed at 7pm, because I didn’t know how to do an evening without wine. Of course I woke up early every morning too, but little by little, one day at a time, I remained sober and learned new ways to relax and chill-out.

And finally my journey of recovery could begin.

I do thank God for His patience and for never giving up on me!

I had the privilege of joining AA and serving and sharing in that absolutely wonderful community. The 12 step programme is truly inspired by God – or by the ‘Higher Power’ as they say in AA. The 12 Step programme and the beautiful people who humbly follow it, are inspirational testimonies to Hope. And I can sincerely say, that if anyone is willing to follow the programme, it works 100%.

On this 6th Anniversary of my sobriety, one day at a time, I wish to publicly give thanks to my God for doing for me what I could not do for myself; for inspiring and sustaining me through this journey; for forgiving me and being so eternally patient with me.

I want to thank all my family, friends and church family – for loving me, despite me taking so long to see sense, and for forgiving me all the pain and concern I caused to some of them – for being less than I should have been!

And I want to thank the founders and the continual members of AA for spreading the message and community of hope around the cities of the world.

I have to end with my all-time favourite prayer, which I have known from childhood, as my Grandfather had engraved it into a wooden plaque, as a schoolboy –

it is the “Serenity prayer” of AA –

(Using the word, God, as you do or don’t under stand it) –

God, grant me the serenity to accept what cannot be changed,

the courage to change what can,

and the wisdom to know the difference.”

PS If you want to stop drinking and don’t feel you have the power to do so, please contact an AA group (look online or in the phone book) and ask to speak to an individual member or find a group. They will be so happy to help you.

I wrote one poem after 6 weeks without alcohol, called, “AA Season of Pain”

The link is here if you wish to read it – https://wordpress.com/post/dawnfanshawe.wordpress.com/25

And another after 9 months sober, called “Giving Birth to Sobriety”.

The link is here if you wish to read it – https://wordpress.com/post/dawnfanshawe.wordpress.com/46

Do you have enough time?

What are your priorities?

My dear friend, (I speak here to me as much as to you),

I hear you bemoan that there are not enough hours in your day to do all that you want to do, that you don’t have enough strength, ability, enough of this, or that, to do what you (think you) should be doing and want to do – not enough money, time, energy, resources…

You want to achieve, accomplish, be successful, make a difference, be somebody, do something great! Of course you do!

I think of the well known story of Martha fretting and Mary sitting at the feet of her Lord. Jesus said Mary had chosen the better path… yet I chose the name of Martha for my confirmation name!

And I think of Jesus himself frequently going off, often in the middle of the night, to find a quiet place to pray.

And the Lord says –

(Matthew 6:33)

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

How do we seek Him first?

If we ask Him first (and not ask everyone else, and try every other avenue, and go to God as a last resort)!

If we give Him first place in our time, resources and energy – we give Him the first and best bits, not the scraps left over.

He says (John 15:7)

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

‘Remain in’/ ‘abide in’? –

We (maybe need to get up early and) go to a quiet place and spend time in prayer – we thank Him and pour out all our needs and concerns, and prayer requests, and we listen to His heart and what He wishes (to put on our heart) for us to do… (we remain in Him)

We read His word in Scripture and listen to what He has already told us, allowing the Holy Spirit to speak into our NOW and allowing God to convey to us what is on His heart for today. (His words remain in us).

Then we do/say what He has told us to do/say.

Allow Him to lead, for His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

Not every job that needs doing, needs to be done by you.

Not every need is yours to serve and meet.

His priority is not for you to busy yourself, striving and stressing over things you have taken upon yourself, in your strength, because…

He wants you to give EVERYTHING over to Him and to trust Him to take care of it and to show you what He wants you to do.

I hear your sense of panic as you read this.

You want to serve God, to please Him, and you want to serve and meet the needs of all those around you…

However, you are not to be passive either. We have to turn up, put on HIS armour, face our enemy, use our talents, follow His strategy, and do and say what He gives us to do and say; but the strategy has to be His, the battle His, and then the victory and the outcome are His responsibility and to His glory.

Trust Him.




Jesus says: (Matthew 6:25 – 33)

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life… Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? …27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?… 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.

And Jesus says: (Matt 7: 7)

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Paul echoes Jesus’ words in Philippians 4:6-7 –

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Priorities for each day:

Prayer and thanksgiving

Study the Word

Rest (Sabbath and sleep)


You say, “But I don’t have time to do that!”

I hear you, loud and clear, but I humbly suggest that you “don’t have the time” TO NOT do these things.

Make the time to build your relationship with your Saviour!

Is it all about Jesus, or is it all about you and your plans and effort?

Seek Him first, then ALL these things (that you need) WILL be given to you.

Trust Him. Remember: His Yoke is easy and His burden is light.

Father God, I give you my life and my heart and my time – all 24 hours of every day – for you to use however You see fit! I entrust it all to You. All I have is Yours – from You and for You. It is enough. My time is in Your hands. You have eternity for me. Blessed be your name forever. Amen.