Day 1 poem: Cage

Day 1 – (prompt) Cage

To take part in this challenge, a blogger friend suggested I explore different types of poetry to make this more interesting.

The only poems I ever wrote in the past tended to be free verse, sometimes with rhymes, often without.

So today I have picked the prompt word ‘CAGE’ and have tried a Haiku and an acrostic poem.

I enclose a brief description of what each style of poem is.


The haiku (or hokku) is an ancient form of Japanese poetry that has become very popular all over the world. Renowned for its small size, haikus consist of just three lines (tercet); the first and third lines have five syllables, whereas the second has seven. Haikus don’t have to rhyme and are usually written to evoke a particular mood or instance.

She’s trapped in bars of

Bitterness, lies and fear, but

the door is not locked!


This type of poetry spells out a name, word, phrase or message with the first letter of each line of the poem. It can rhyme or not, and typically the word spelt out, lays down the theme of the poem.

Can she cope with constant disappointment?

Afraid instead of risking love again

Grieving, the heart cocoons itself in a cage

E xcluding all others, but not preventing pain.

Disability Pride Month!

It is so good to read this beautiful lady’s amazing post. I want to share it with you, as it is full of insight and a real ‘wow’ factor. ❤

The Wheelchair Teen

Hey, guys! Welcome back to The Wheelchair Teen (even though I’m technically not a teenager anymore 😊). HAPPY DISABILITY PRIDE MONTH!!! This month is a time to educate ourselves more about ableism, participate in Disability pride parades, and celebrate disability culture, heritage, and history. But most of all, this month is about waving that Disability pride flag high with a huge smile on your face. I am so excited to share my love of being the way that I am with the world. Let’s get ready to embrace the full beauty of Disability diversity this July.

This is the Disability pride flag
This is the Disability pride flag. The green stripe is for sensory Disabilities, the blue represents emotional and psychiatric Disabilities, the white stands for non-visible and undiagnosed Disabilities, gold is for neurodiversity, and red represents physical Disabilities. The black background commemorates and mourns Disabled people who’ve died due to ableism, violence, negligence, rebellion, illness…

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Stop Staring at Your Pigs (They’re Dead)

As if the title weren’t enough to spend a minute or two reading, the whole piece is powerful and punches right to the heart.

View from the Valley

Days 13 & 14

Matthew 8:28-34

Sometimes, when Jesus comes to you with the hope of His kingdom, He comes unexpectedly, without announcement, and He starts in on the things that terrify you most. Like maybe you have a horrible situation on the edge of your life, something you have shoved away and refused to think about, much as the people of the town whose crazy men were so violent no one could come near them. Oh well, you think, if I put the problem far away and just don’t deal with it, I can go about my life. I can make do.

Only Jesus has this way of jumping right into the middle of the things that you most want to hide. Here He comes, seeking you out, ready to talk with you, and right away He sees the worst. Those crazy men jump out to scare him off…

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I am a Prisoner

When we do not work together in love of God and our neighbours, this kind of division, oppression and injustice is allowed.
Love our enemies and allow no division, no ignorance and fear of the other.
Don’t be afraid to surrender control to God and allow and encourage FREEDOM in the hearts, minds and lives of all we meet.
Pray for our family members who suffer division, persecution, and unjust hardships that they may be comforted by the God of all comfort and be strengthened and emboldened to STAND.
Thank you Sonam for sharing this powerful poem and photographs.

Silent Songs of Sonsnow

I am a Prisoner
A Prisoner of someone
So strong and powerful,
They hold back my hand
When I raise my fist for freedom,
They twist my tongue
When I tweet for Truth and Justice,

I am a Prisoner
A Prisoner of someone
So Strong and powerful
They took me far off
When I choose to write for Rights,
They tied me and trialed
When I hold to Truth too tight,

I am a prisoner
A Prisoner of someone
So strong and powerful,
They looted my home
When I own the Truth and Justice,
They put me in Prison
When the world sold them Humanity.
By Sonsnow

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My Anchor

this is such a beautiful poem by Fay Ann – so beautiful.
I love the shape and ebb and flow of the rhythm and psalm-like quality – wading through honest lament and returning to eternal hope. Be blessed.
Thank you Fay Ann

The Inspirational Room by Fay Ann Swearing

As always thank you for reading. I am truly grateful that you stopped by. Feel free to like, share, leave your thought or reblog. Until we meet again in this space…much love and blessings.♥♥♥

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Tiny Ripples of Hope

This is a beautiful Easter poem of hope – hope placed in us, the church, because of our hope in Him.


The worlds looking for
The answer to cope
The chosen called to spread
Tiny ripples of hope

Of message echoing
The truth known of the way
One that conquered death
That rose on Easter’s day

A peace beyond this world
Known in our joy and strife
Love the only word
Of everlasting life

Like diamonds that sparkle
Upon an ocean bright
Or stars from above
Found in the night

Come now brother sister
As one body unite
A wave of hope rising
Of His glorious light

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Staying out of the Pigsty

I recommend you to read this great post by Jennifer, at ‘Feeding on Jesus’.

This is powerful, amazing stuff. Miraculous. I think my heart caught a glimpse through that veil – that it could even be true for me! I shall read it over until I know it. Thank you Jennifer. Thank You Jesus.

Feeding On Jesus

pig-1496575_640“But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: ‘A dog returns to his own vomit,’ and, ‘a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire.’”(2 Peter 2:22, NKJV)

Would you like to know one of the best ways to make sure we don’t become like the proverbial dog or sow mentioned here by the Apostle Peter? It’s

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Putting It On — Let’s Practice!

Please listen to Feeding on Jesus’ powerful audio message, taking us step by step through receiving and putting on the mighty armour and protection of God.

Feeding On Jesus

It’s audio devo day!

I was under the impression that we were done with The Armor of Light series last Friday… but I was wrong! Holy Spirit began to stir my heart with one more episode on this topic after I released that last one. Today, our audio devo is a special edition for the exclusive purpose of practicing together – practicing the art of putting on the full armor of God.

Do you remember the intro to this series? We started out meditating on this verse that prefaces our Ephesians 6 instructions about suiting up with God’s armor: “…Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might” (v. 10, NKJV). Putting on the armor is about putting on His strength. God does not command us to be strong in our own power, but rather to be strong in His. As we put on each piece, we…

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The Power of Prayer

As often happens when I write something, I then read a post on the same subject. This beautiful poem by Fay Ann describes some of those other types of prayer very clearly. As she says, “God works when we pray. Things happen when we pray. Things change when we pray, mountains move when we pray, and most important, we change when we pray. Keep praying.”

The Inspirational Room by Fay Ann Swearing

The power of prayer is not the result of the person praying. Rather, the power resides in God who is being prayed to.Prayer opens up a lot of opportunities in our lives. It benefits the mind, body and soul. Prayer gets me through every day, as I ask the Lord to direct my path and guide me along the way.

Below is a poem about the power of prayer. I write it to remind myself and hope it will remind you that prayer is important in our daily lives.

God works when we pray.Things happen when we pray. Things change when we pray, mountains move when we pray, and most important, we change when we pray. Keep praying.

To you reading this, thank you so much for being here. You are special to me and I appreciate you always registering your presence here. May God be with you as you…

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