Chapter and Verse

FMF: Chapter

When I saw this week’s prompt, the only thing that came to me was ‘giving me chapter and verse’ on a subject. I’ve been extremely busy this last week, so have just come to it again, wondering what that expression means to me.

I have used the expression when referring to my sons, for example, who are both very knowledgeable, so when one asks them a question, on a subject on which they know something, they will always give me a ‘chapter and verse’ of the whole subject, rather than a simplified answer that my brain can comprehend.

I decided to look it up to see if I used the expression correctly and where it originated, which then led me to learning about how the chapters and verses in the bible first came about.

I had never really thought much about it, except I was always aware that the epistles in the NT would have been written as we would write a letter and would not originally have been divided up into chapter and verse.

I then thought about how difficult it would have been to study and discuss the Bible with others, without the aid of chapters and verses. To be honest, I’m not very good at actually remembering scripture references, in terms of chapter and verse, and may remember just that it is ‘somewhere in the psalms’, or ‘somewhere in the book of the Kings’.

That doesn’t make it very easy to share and discuss.

As it turns out, this was why the first chap divided the New Testament up into chapters – in order to help scholars study the texts. This was then accepted fairly uniformly, but it was another 300 years before another chap further divided the chapters up into verses, in the way that we know it today.


I’ll now look up the facts again and add them so as not to disappoint those of you who would like me to have told this story in chapter and verse and not in the vagaries that 5 mins allowed!

So, the first clever chap, Stephen Langton, was an English cleric in the early 13th Century. He was teaching in Paris when he laboured to put the Bible into chapters as we know them today. Apparently he wasn’t the first guy to do this, but it was his way that was adopted. Langton became Archbishop of Canterbury from 1207 – 1228. I found it interesting to think that these chapters, which Wycliffe also used in his English translation of the Bible in 1382, would have not been read by ordinary people for a long time, as Wycliffe was declared a heretic and his Bibles banned and burned – but that is another story.

Anyway, it was 300 years later when Robert Estienne, a French scholar- printer, a layman, further divided the New Testament chapters into the verses that we know today. These were first printed in in 1551.

wonderful image of an ancient scroll showing Isaiah

I hope you enjoyed this little history lesson.

Have you thought about it before?

It would have been difficult to discuss the scriptures in the way we do today.

I think it is also good, from time-to-time, to see the books in their entirety and read them as such, to get the whole picture in the way that they were written and intended – for example to read the whole of a letter, like the letter to the Ephesians, and imagine the people of Ephesus receiving it and reading it to the believers congregating there.

I am so grateful for the work of Langton, Wycliffe, Tyndale, Estienne and all the other great scholars who have made it so easy for us to read the scriptures today.

May I never take them for granted.

I think of those who do not have the scriptures in their own language, and those who have no access to scriptures because of persecution or other causes. I ask God to speak His truth into His people by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Every Friday, I join an online Christian writing community, Five Minute Friday. We are given a one-word prompt and write – unscripted, unedited, pure free-write – for 5 minutes. The prompt this week is Chapter.

I do read through my script afterwards to correct my mistakes; to check scripture references and to find an appropriate image to illustrate the topic.

To read other FMF posts on this subject click link below.

Thanksgiving for April

Thanksgiving for April:

I will wake the dawn with my song.

I will thank You, LORD, among all the people;

I will sing Your praises among the nations;

For Your unfailing love is as high as the heavens,

Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

Psalm 57:9

I want to thank the Lord for His faithfulness and blessings throughout April – in answer to my prayers of the heart.

I thank Him specifically and publicly that:

That S was able to get in touch with their feelings and to hear Your voice and could allow a prayer ministry session and allow You to put the axe to some bitter roots.

For blessing R with a good temporary home for self and family.

That I could catch-up and write some good-read reviews.

For the treat of a wonderful evening at the concert hall to appreciate the talent of Dvorak and Sibellius cello concertos.

That I could hear Your voice and receive Your grace and privilege to do things differently and to be a blessing to C, C and E.

That C got to see good doctors and had swift appointments to check things out.

That You healed C and they are in Your hands.

That you gave me 2 good Ablaze lessons and for those wonderful children!

That the young people had the courage to perform on Easter Sunday.

That M has recovered and is back to himself.

That R was able to talk and express some hope and gratitude and that I could empathise with and minister to the wounded, unhealed, inner-child of R.

For opportunities to bless K and that K is able to bless others in family and community.

For a wonderful Easter Tridiuum and shared times with S. at SA and SH.

For Your help, wisdom and grace to host, feed and fellowship joyfully with 10 family people and have a wonderful Easter Sunday.

That S has also been properly seen by the GP and is on a path to recovery.

That my March EH homework was completed and submitted on time.

That the EH school weekend was pure gold yet again and for all you did for I, J and all of us.

For all that You taught me about depression and how to love those in depression.

For the parent-blessing from P & J and the marriage prayer from PP.

For a couple of spontaneous meet-ups with C and other friends.

That I could go to the crematorium spontaneously to remember my mum on her birthday.

That J and S making great progress on my room prior to plastering.

For Your ongoing inspiration and guidance in my everyday life.

For the wonderful evening with C at Billy Ocean concert and the opportunity for fun and deep fellowship and healing connection.

For a blessed morning in pre-school.

For a healthy, blessed, long chat and connection with D.

For all the beauty of Spring and for spaces to savour the fragrances and freshness of creation.

spring garden flowers – white and blue forget-me-nots and blue-bells

Lord, I thank You that You never leave me or forsake me and that I can always trust You, because You are always faithful in love and in mercy, and because You give wisdom to all those who ask You. Thank You for the Holy Spirit – our Comforter and guide throughout our journey.

Deliberately good or not?



This is a weighty word to me – one of opposite extremes.

Firstly the word came at me as one of judgment, fear and accusation – an adjective or adverb describing one’s motivation in a negative way! /a mall-intent:

‘That was a deliberate lie!’

‘You did that deliberately!’

But then I saw it as a positive verb – to deliberate – to consider long over a thought, concept or action, to weigh it up and search for truth and integrity and then to deliberately DO that something consciously, positively and intentionally good.

So my conclusion is that the word does mean to consciously and intentionally ponder, consider and then purposefully to act, or not, on the outcome of the deliberation.

Deliberation results in a determination to achieve something, on purpose.

The deciding factor is the motivation behind the one deliberating.

If my intention is to bless, and my motivation is to love and obey God, then my deliberations and my deliberate action will reap positivity and blessing.

But if my motivation is selfish, and my intent defiled by resentment, pride or unforgiveness, then the result of my deliberations will not cause blessing to others, or to myself, and, because my heart is not clean, my deliberate act will reap pain rather than blessing.

The motivation of my heart is crucial.

Jesus endured the cross because of His determination. He went to the cross willingly, deliberately, with a purpose and endured for the joy set before Him.

image of a runner determined, deliberately set to win.

I pray that the love of God will be the motivation behind mine and your deliberations, and that our subsequent words and actions bless others.

Every Friday, I join an online Christian writing community, Five Minute Friday. We are given a one-word prompt and write – unscripted, unedited, pure free-write – for 5 minutes. The prompt this week is DELIBERATE.

I do read through my script afterwards to correct my mistakes; to check scripture references and to find an appropriate image to illustrate the topic.

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon’


‘Coming soon! Coming soon!’

Does it not often seem that all the best things are coming soon?

Always in the future; tomorrow; not yet – soon.

There can be a danger whiling away our NOW whilst waiting for the the next thing; always being dissatisfied with now and with what we have; despising the familiar and living in the future, for what we don’t yet have…

‘Are we nearly there yet?’

‘How many sleeps until…?’ (one of my grand-daughter’s frequent questions)

But, on the other hand, the promise of the future and of good things to come also gives us hope. There is an excitement when we anticipate a promise and prepare, in our waiting, for the promised thing.

The hope and excitement is an expression of faith and brings purpose and motivation in our labours; it brings courage in trials, and brings joy to our hearts.

I think of ‘Kipper’ who couldn’t decide if he preferred Christmas Eve, with all the excitement, anticipation and purpose, or Christmas Day, when he could feast and open his presents and celebrate the long-awaited day.

He loved them both.

What about you? Do you prefer the anticipation, preparation and excitement of the waiting, or the arrival of the promise itself?

I guess it depends what it is that we wait for.

After His resurrection, Jesus promised His disciples that if they waited in Jerusalem for ‘a few days’, they would receive the promised Holy Spirit – Power from on high – that would enable them to do ‘even greater things’ than they had witnessed Jesus Himself do, because He was going back to the Father. 10 days later, they received that promised Holy Spirit and continued to receive fresh outpourings of the Holy Spirit and Power.

You and I are promised the same Holy Spirit today.

Do we expect to be filled afresh daily with the Holy Spirit and with Power from on high, as He promised?

Most of us, at some point in our walk with Jesus, hear and claim this Scripture as a promise for the answer to our prayers for a bright hope and future in Christ:

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,

“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jesus has also promised that He will come again – He will return in the same way that He left – in glory and splendour from the heavens.

Do we await that day with anticipation, preparation and excitement?

What difference does it make to how I live today?

What are you looking forward to?


Every Friday, I join an online Christian writing community, Five Minute Friday. We are given a one-word prompt and write – unscripted, unedited, pure free-write – for 5 minutes. The prompt this week is SOON.

I do read through my script afterwards to correct my mistakes; to check scripture references and to find an appropriate image to illustrate the topic.

Shameless audacity?

FMF: Persist

Image of story board of Luke 11: 1- 13


I think of the two parables in Luke’s gospel, which I shall find in a minute. The parable of the persistent widow and that of the persistent neighbour.

This is not a call to simply persevere and not give up, but give an example of such fervent persistence that some translations call ‘shameful audacity’!!

The disciples had asked Jesus to teach them to pray and He gave them what we know as the Lord’s prayer, which contains a wholesome balance of worship, praise, petition, repentance and consecration.

But in these two parables He urges the disciples – us – to keep on asking, keep on seeking and keep on knocking, persistently, audaciously, until we receive, find and until the door is opened.

In the parable in Luke 11, the neighbour opened up the door to give the friend what he needed, not because it was a friend or convenient, but because the friend persisted in bothering him.

In the other parable of the widow and the unrighteous judge, here the judge had no conscience to stir him to give justice to this widow, but was moved only to get rid of her, because she would not stop bothering him!

It is amusing to me that Jesus used such characters, as our heavenly Father is nothing like the unjust judge, or the neighbour, closed into bed with his family. His disciples would have been able to imagine the dilemma of characters like these and the need to show hospitality, justice etc, as well as where the boundaries were and what was impolite or audacious.

The chapter begins: Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up (Luke 18:1).

Jesus ends this parable with a sad note of warning:

And the Lord said,“Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

(Luke 18:6–8)

Jesus adds to the first parable:

how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him’?

So Jesus Himself urges us to persist in prayer, petitions, intercession, thanksgiving, praise and meditating on the Word of God.

He knows that our heavenly Father longs to give us good gifts and desires that we thrive and have an abundance with which to bless others, so He urges us to pray fervently, audaciously, persistently and to keep on.

The risen and glorified Jesus Himself lives to intercede for us in the throne-room of His father and He invites us to enter the throne-room with Him and intercede too.

Image of hand knocking on a blue door with scripture Luke 11:9-10

Don’t give up. And always acknowledge and give thanks for all that He does for you in answer to the prayers of the faithful.

May He find faith on earth when He returns for His church!

May He find be faithful.

Every Friday, I join an online Christian writing community, Five Minute Friday. We are given a one-word prompt and write – unscripted, unedited, pure free-write – for 5 minutes. The prompt this week is

Actually, I do read through my script afterwards to correct my mistakes, underlined in red; to check scripture references and to find an appropriate image to illustrate the topic.

Here is the link if you would like to join and read other posts: FMF link here