Have you decided?

image of printed words relating to decision making and responses

FMF: Decide


How many people do you know who say ‘I’m not good at making decisions!’?

Perhaps you would say that yourself.

I know that I often do.

So I was pondering why.

But really it is obvious.

If I have to make a decision, it is usually between a range of options or choices and to choose one, often necessitates that I cannot choose the other.

If I decide to go here, I cannot also go there – not at the same time anyway – and so I decide on one thing whilst therefore having to forego another.

It is a sacrifice.

It is a risk.

What if I make the wrong choice? What if I make an unwise decision and regret it?

What if I decide something and end up regretting it for the rest of my life?

I know I’m not the only one who asks these questions, because to a degree, all decisions involve this element of risk.

I might get it wrong.

Of course, mostly I don’t know what right or wrong looks like for many decisions, because results often only become visible later, in the future – maybe when it is too late.

I may decide to buy X and then I don’t like it.

Or I decide to take a job and months later have to relocate and miss my friends and family.

Or I decide to marry this person and then realise that s/he was not the person I believed them to be!

People make decisions that take them higher up the career ladder only to discover many miserable years later that the ladder was up against the wrong wall.

But a friend of mine says there is no ‘wrong’ choice.

Maybe she is right.

Maybe it is how we decide to respond to the challenges before us – no matter what they are – that is the decision that makes life fulfilling and worthwhile?

I have made one decision that I have never regretted, though at times I have felt the pain of some of the sacrifices that my decision has necessitated.

Deciding to be a follower of Jesus has transformed my life from an existence to truly living.

As the song goes: ‘I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back…’

The truth is as Peter, the follower of Jesus says, ‘Where else should we go? You have the words of eternal life!’

Have you decided to follow Jesus? You won’t regret it!

But now I will have to decide which image to use for this blog and I will probably do what I often do – I will choose 2 images!!

random choice of image of fantastic colours of clouds in sky – the extra-ordinary of creation.

Don’t work too hard!

Sorry I’m late joining this week. The irony is that I have been too busy!!!

John 4:34

“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” NIV


In home-group this week, we were thinking about the kind of advice and encouragement we might give to another if we ourselves were going away.

We each picked out a name of a person in the group, at random, and then spoke at the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

The one who picked out my name told me to be careful ‘not to work too hard’.

I have been thinking about this.

Many of us, especially in the church, seem to have not enough hours in the day to accomplish all that we wish to accomplish.

There is so much work that could be done. So much work that we would like to do.

We seem to have a church work-ethic that says ‘Here I am, send me!’ to every suggestion of a need or a job to be fulfilled.

Most of this compulsion is a very genuine desire to serve, but sometimes it is coming from a wounded place that believes itself unworthy unless one earns ones salvation and earns the right to exist.

I can be guilty of this. My default is this: I can feel lazy if I even think about stopping to read a novel. If a volunteer is needed and I have any time available, my inclination is to volunteer. I hate saying ‘No’ and want to be helpful and make people happy. I didn’t learn to make and have boundaries. I learned to please others to avoid conflict.

My job is not to please others, or to serve everyone.

I don’t want to make this a faith versus work discussion, but we all know in our brains, that we cannot earn love or earn our salvation, and yet we feel unworthy unless we are trying to earn it. Many of us end up worn out and burned out doing ‘good works’.

image of a person overwhelmed with work demands.

I don’t want this. You don’t want this.

But what we all really want to know is what the work is that God created us to do individually. What was the me-shaped assignment I was created to do? God created me and put me in this place, at this time, among these people, for a purpose.

He did the same with you.

What is the work He gave you to accomplish?

This is what we truly desire to be doing.

This work will make our heart sing.

There are so many good works, but we want to do what God has asked us specifically to do. Jesus did not go everywhere in His 33 years on earth. He did not personally speak to every individual and solve every person’s problems in the towns He visited. But Jesus listened to His Father and He did what the Father asked Him to do. He did and finished THAT work.

I want to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work for my life.

This is my food.

This will sustain me and feed my spirit and fulfill my life. This is the abundant life He gives to each of us.

What is your food?

Have you stopped to ask what He wants you to say and do among those He has given to you today?

I want to add here a picture that my sister sent to me after reading this blog. I think it is appropriate and very clever! Thanks Debbie! ❤

Impulse or Inspiration?


This week’s word captures something of the nature of recent ongoing processing for me, so I just looked up the Oxford dictionary definition. Two definitions of ‘impulse’ describe this processing question well:


  1. A sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act.
  2. An impetus or inspiration that causes something to happen more quickly

My processing is thus: I want very much to hear God speaking to me and to act on the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

I do pray for guidance and the leading of the Holy Spirit and then of course I want to trust and act on what I believe I hear/sense/feel inspired and prompted to do.

For example I may feel inspired to send a message or gift to somebody, or to visit a neighbour, or pray for somebody – it comes to me as an impulse, an urge, a strong desire – but the thought comes impulsively, yet gently insisting… if I dismiss the thought, it will not go away until I respond.

Once I have responded, I often understand why it was good for me to do the thing inspired. Then I thank God for trusting me with the task and for teaching me to listen. Sometimes I see no ‘fruit’ from the thing I felt inspired to do.

To some this can look bizarre and like one is just acting on impulse.

Sometimes I also wonder if this is the case.

I want this to happen more often than it does. I want to attune myself to God’s voice, to make time to listen, not barge through my own agenda and tell God what I want of Him!

A few months ago, I was asking God to not just speak to me about big, important, life-changing choices, but to guide me along the more trivial choices throughout daily life. I was feeling a little frustrated that I struggled to hear what God’s will for my life was/is. I told God that I want to think His thoughts after Him and for my actions to glorify Him.

The Word says that “My sheep hear my voice”. I reminded Him that I am His sheep and therefore I can hear His voice.

One example I will share sounds rather silly and extremely trivial, but it is a good example of why I thought to share this for the word ‘Impulse’:

I said to God in one of our conversations: “For example, will you tell me what to do about my hair?” (I was always wondering whether to have my hair cut shorter, instead of the annual trim.) Later, I washed my hair and as I came to brush it, I could only get the brush through my hair as far as my shoulders – the rest was a tangle of knots – so I questioned the Lord: “Should I cut it here?” And before I had thought about it any-more, the scissors were in my hand, snipping away along the top of the mass of tangles! I was due to leave for work in 10 minutes and had no idea what I was doing, or how to apply the same process to the left side of my hair, but, after the momentary panic, I cut it round and went off to work. It felt very impulsive! But I like it. It works well for me.

the two tangles of hair I chopped off

Was it Holy Spirit inspiration or was it impulse?

Does it matter?

Steps of faith often seem impulsive.

I wonder what the disciples felt as they left their nets to follow Jesus?

Or how Peter felt as he stepped out of boat onto the water?

To follow and obey God, through the Holy Spirit, may not make a lot of earthly sense at the time, but He rewards our steps of faith. Little by little as we get used to His promptings, we learn to recognise His voice.

I want to think God’s thoughts after Him.

My sheep hear my voice.

I am a sheep of His pasture and I trust that I can hear His voice.

Sharing these reflections have made me feel rather vulnerable, but it is also a good example of the process I am describing: I felt prompted to share this processing, but now I am about to publish it, suddenly it feels impulsive and triggers doubt.

Here goes.

YAY! Special Thanksgiving (Long Overdue) and Life Update.

Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvellous deeds among all peoples.

Psalm 96:2-3

I apologize for not proclaiming my monthly gratitude for answered prayer since April!

I have much to declare thanks for during May and June, but I have been exceptionally busy moving house. If anyone has recently had to move house, they will know how time-and-energy consuming it is! Most of it I lifted, cleaned, packed, carried and unpacked myself.

But here I am, now one week in the new place.

The previous home I give great thanks for. But that chapter has ended and a new chapter has begun.

I praise God in anticipation of all He will continue to do in my life in my new home.

But, during May and June, in answer to specific prayers, I want to give God glory and thanks for:

For an evening of healing, resurrection and re-instatement for my dear C.

For a time of prayer ministry for my own blocks to processing grief.

For excellent workmanship by the plasterer for my new palace.

For inspiration to submit all final EH homework in time.

For 2 beautiful grandchildren sleepovers over 2 May bank-holidays.

For inspiration for both Ablaze lessons on the risen Jesus (pre-Ascension) and Pentecost.

For a lunch treat with my dear R.

For some extra overtime in lieu of some holiday days off.

For some good walk and talk catch-ups with good old friends.

That C has faced looking at budgeting wisely.

That J and S did a great week’s work together in WD.

That S had a refreshing walking holiday.

That M and S had a second successful working week together in WD.

That P’s tumour was benign.

That J has ‘bounced back’ after being beaten up.

For a successful, bonding, church-family meal.

That K is looking well and loving her new home.

For healing K’s eyes!!

That C was awarded a research placement for the Summer.

For the 5th excellent EH weekend and for healing and showing me glimpses of my true identity.

That M got his 2 books published!

That I got the ceiling painted and the fresh plaster sealed and EH homework all completed by 26th May.

That ferrying T to airport and her visit was all a great blessing.

For energy and grace to keep going…

For all 5 amazing baptism testimonies and for R’s dedication – for a transformative day!

For chance to go to Cathedral to celebrate 35 years since becoming a Catholic.

That C got 95% for his last essay and has now completed his Year 2 exams.

That C prepared well for his talk and had a wonderful experience at the conference and then blessed the homeless from the overflow of conference food.

That J is on the mend and was well enough to pop in to see me.

That D was well enough to travel.

For all my amazing volunteers at the shop, for the new ones and the great teamwork.

That J now has a new SJD supervisor.

For the final EH 202 weekend and that we have all graduated.

That J had time to help with last bits of woodwork and I got all painted and sanded before carpet came.

For lovely meal and evening with C, J and N.

For a powerful youth-led service on Fathers’ Day.

That G and I finally had a more fruitful dialogue.

That I was able to help out J and C.

For D’s blessed time at mine and her help with my move.

For K’s help with moving and cleaning.

That the bigger items of furniture and white goods all found worthy homes in time.

That I managed to complete it all without scrimping and got keys handed in by 1pm on 30th.

That S welcomed me into my new home!

This may seem like a long list of trivia, but god hears each and every prayer and He is greatly interested in the details of our lives.

He loves to bless us and to use us to be a blessing to others.

Praise His Holy name.

Let the whole earth sing to the Lord!

Each day proclaim the good news that He saves

Publish his glorious deeds among the nations.

Tell everyone about the amazing things He does.

Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise!”

1 Chronicles 16: 23 – 25

my new home only 3 weeks before moving in.

Praise God I am now in my new home and a new chapter of my life!

Disability Pride Month!

It is so good to read this beautiful lady’s amazing post. I want to share it with you, as it is full of insight and a real ‘wow’ factor. ❤

The Wheelchair Teen

Hey, guys! Welcome back to The Wheelchair Teen (even though I’m technically not a teenager anymore 😊). HAPPY DISABILITY PRIDE MONTH!!! This month is a time to educate ourselves more about ableism, participate in Disability pride parades, and celebrate disability culture, heritage, and history. But most of all, this month is about waving that Disability pride flag high with a huge smile on your face. I am so excited to share my love of being the way that I am with the world. Let’s get ready to embrace the full beauty of Disability diversity this July.

This is the Disability pride flag
This is the Disability pride flag. The green stripe is for sensory Disabilities, the blue represents emotional and psychiatric Disabilities, the white stands for non-visible and undiagnosed Disabilities, gold is for neurodiversity, and red represents physical Disabilities. The black background commemorates and mourns Disabled people who’ve died due to ableism, violence, negligence, rebellion, illness…

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