Day 23 – Born to be heroes

NaPoWriMo prompt: And now for our (optional) prompt. Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem about, or involving, a superhero, taking your inspiration from these four poems in which Lucille Clifton addresses Clark Kent/Superman.

Born to be heroes

We are born to be heroes

All precious pearls

As kids we all know

we CAN change the world

My first son was superman

He had the whole suit

and a heart for adventure

for rescue and pursuit.

The second was Buzz Lightyear

with the flashing and the style

He had greatness in his purpose

the cunning and the smile.

They were powerful and mighty

invincible and strong

with these it wasn’t likely

that anything could go wrong!

My boys are both grown up now

and they’ve outgrown their suits

but they still are my heroes

in much bigger boots.

And now I have grandchildren

who have followed the same course

he’s a Spidey or a Ninja

and she’s a princess with force.

They too are my heroes

adding joy and delight

They’ll always be super

for the rest of their lives.

But we are all heroes

superbly designed

masterpieces of grace

to bless all of mankind;

Princes and princesses

each destined with a place

of greatness and power

with His magnificent grace.

We are born to be heroes

All precious pearls

As people we should know

we CAN change the world.



As far as the East is from the West… so far has He removed my transgressions and sins from me!

I love you all the way to the moon… and back!

Psalm 103:12

How about all the verses 8 – 12?

8 The Lord is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love.
9 He will not always accuse,
nor will he harbor his anger forever;
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

He says it so much better than I ever could… And look at verses 1 – 5!!!

Praise the Lord, my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
2 Praise the Lord, my soul,
and forget not all his benefits—
3 who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
5 who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

How far does the Lord’s love reach?

How far-reaching His compassion?

How far could we go that His love could not reach us?

We could never go so far that the Lord could not find us and redeem us!!

He sees us to the ends of all time and space, for He created and roams over every part of it.

How far will I go to be free of all that entangles me and holds me back?

How far will I trust Him to mould and shape this piece of beloved clay?

Lord teach us to surrender to your far-reaching LOVE and MERCY and GRACE.

Every Friday, I join an online Christian writing community, Five Minute Friday. We are given a one-word prompt and write – unscripted, unedited, pure free-write – for 5 minutes. The prompt this week is FAR.

I do read through my script afterwards to correct my mistakes; to check scripture references and to find an appropriate image to illustrate the topic.

To read other FMF posts on this subject click BELOW

Summer Thanksgiving and Update

I especially want to thank my loving God and Father for all of the specific answered prayers that I have noticed and noted down during July and August this year.

As always, I’m quite sure that there are hundreds of other daily divine interventions in answer to my prayers of guidance and protection for myself and for all of my loved ones!

In July I thank Him specifically:

  • that our church building is now physically a ‘light on the hill’
  • for the energy, leadership and life in the newly merged church
  • that I was able to borrow ‘loppers’ to trim down the eucalyptus and 2 bay trees
  • that I created a guest room space in time for guests arriving!
  • That I unpacked most of everything and it feels like home
  • that I have been a blessing already to S
  • that P had a good visit here
  • that Josh arrived here safely for the Summer break
  • that S and J made good progress in B Road
  • that preschool, although having to close, were able to celebrate at church for patrons of 36 years service in the community.
  • For healing K’s eyes, strengthening her faith and blessing her heart and family
  • for blessing our Youth, Ablaze and Little Sparks
  • for all the memories reignited whilst sorting all my lifetime of photos!
  • For all my chats and time with Josh and all his friends now appearing again at the house
  • that S and D are living happily alongside one another again
  • that I could coordinate and book a holiday for 5 of us to Orkney

And my thanks for specific answered prayer for August:

  • that I’ve had time to clear the front garden and paths
  • that I now have wall lights and shelves
  • for speaking to me through ‘Unashamed’ book that I’m reviewing
  • for the joy of reading Susan’s ‘Return to Caesarea’ book
  • for the people You introduce me to at work and all the divine encounters there – especially D and E.
  • for a lovely evening out at Kayal with J, C, J and V.
  • for the August break from duties and extra time for family and garden
  • for your favour, grace, protection and presence on the whole journey – trains and boats – to and from Orkney and our wonderful family holiday there.
  • That I’ve been able to clear and ‘chip’ all the garden rubbish from the patio
  • for the new storage solution for DVDs
  • For the miracles You are doing in church, at home and in me!
  • For this rich, blessed life of adventure, mercy and Your great LOVE
  • For the HOPE you give to Your children
all of us together at the Stones of Stenness

And I thank the Holy Spirit that every time I come to write a blog, He gives me grace and words to write and always some reader is inspired.

I thank God for you, my readers too. ❤

Don’t forget to go and thank God for all of the prayers He has answered this week for you.

He is so faithful.

Thanksgiving for April

Thanksgiving for April:

I will wake the dawn with my song.

I will thank You, LORD, among all the people;

I will sing Your praises among the nations;

For Your unfailing love is as high as the heavens,

Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

Psalm 57:9

I want to thank the Lord for His faithfulness and blessings throughout April – in answer to my prayers of the heart.

I thank Him specifically and publicly that:

That S was able to get in touch with their feelings and to hear Your voice and could allow a prayer ministry session and allow You to put the axe to some bitter roots.

For blessing R with a good temporary home for self and family.

That I could catch-up and write some good-read reviews.

For the treat of a wonderful evening at the concert hall to appreciate the talent of Dvorak and Sibellius cello concertos.

That I could hear Your voice and receive Your grace and privilege to do things differently and to be a blessing to C, C and E.

That C got to see good doctors and had swift appointments to check things out.

That You healed C and they are in Your hands.

That you gave me 2 good Ablaze lessons and for those wonderful children!

That the young people had the courage to perform on Easter Sunday.

That M has recovered and is back to himself.

That R was able to talk and express some hope and gratitude and that I could empathise with and minister to the wounded, unhealed, inner-child of R.

For opportunities to bless K and that K is able to bless others in family and community.

For a wonderful Easter Tridiuum and shared times with S. at SA and SH.

For Your help, wisdom and grace to host, feed and fellowship joyfully with 10 family people and have a wonderful Easter Sunday.

That S has also been properly seen by the GP and is on a path to recovery.

That my March EH homework was completed and submitted on time.

That the EH school weekend was pure gold yet again and for all you did for I, J and all of us.

For all that You taught me about depression and how to love those in depression.

For the parent-blessing from P & J and the marriage prayer from PP.

For a couple of spontaneous meet-ups with C and other friends.

That I could go to the crematorium spontaneously to remember my mum on her birthday.

That J and S making great progress on my room prior to plastering.

For Your ongoing inspiration and guidance in my everyday life.

For the wonderful evening with C at Billy Ocean concert and the opportunity for fun and deep fellowship and healing connection.

For a blessed morning in pre-school.

For a healthy, blessed, long chat and connection with D.

For all the beauty of Spring and for spaces to savour the fragrances and freshness of creation.

spring garden flowers – white and blue forget-me-nots and blue-bells

Lord, I thank You that You never leave me or forsake me and that I can always trust You, because You are always faithful in love and in mercy, and because You give wisdom to all those who ask You. Thank You for the Holy Spirit – our Comforter and guide throughout our journey.