Day 19 – A lonely haunt

NaPoWriMo prompt: What are you haunted by, or what haunts you? Write a poem responding to this question. Then change the word haunt to hunt.

I’m not haunted by anything, except possibly the possibility of regret. I would hate to find myself regretting something I’d done or not done and now can never put right.

Maybe this is why Christ’s forgiveness, and mandate of such, is so all-important, central to me?

FMF prompt word: LONELY.

I won’t do another FMF, but will write a Haiku to link haunt and lonely.

Haiku 1

I think the only

thing that could ever haunt me –

if you were lonely.

Haiku 2

Many are my fears

but the one that would haunt me –

my lack of courage.

Haiku 3 – inspired by Martin Niemöller’s famous and important words

I will speak speak for you

when you face persecution.

Will you speak for me?

Haiku 4

To not hear the words

Well done good, faithful servant’ –

on reaching heaven.

Haiku 5

Haunted or hunted,

they would never come for me.

I’ve nothing they want!

Haiku 6

To sum this all up

about what would haunt me most –

t’is to have regret.

image of huddled boy, lonely and afraid

NB: To see other responses to the FMF prompt, LONELY, see below

Read Prasanta’s post and join the link-up here